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The demand of tire pyrolysis oil and the current situation of tire pyrolysis plant in India

Industry News:December 27, 2023

The demand of tire pyrolysis oil in India has been strong for more than ten years, and the market for waste pyrolysiys oil in India has already been formed as early as 10 years ago in the year 2013. As one of the biggest industrial countries in the world, India needs large oil consumption, however, tire pyrolysis oil becomes very good oil substitute, which can be used as furnace oil for industrial heating. Therefore, for the 10-year industrial development of India, the tire pyrolysis oil makes a significant contribution.

waste pyrolysiys oil.jpgWaste pyrolysiys oil

Till now, if you are the producers of tire pyrolysis plant in India, or you want to start the tire pyrolysis business, you don't have to worry about where to sell the tire pyrolysis oil, since the oil market is very mature. In many places of India, tire pyrolysis oil is collected by oil traders directly, and the only one thing you should do is to call them and wait for the oil tank car coming, very convenient.

As for the current situation of tire pyrolysis plant in India, as the tire pyrolysis plant manufacturer, DOING can introduce it for you based on our market experience.

India is our first overseas market for waste tire pyrolysis plant. At the beginning of 2011, our 1st set waste tire pyrolysis plant was exported and installed there. And after that, a large number of orders comes from there. According to the statistics, in the year of 2011, we exported more than 100 sets waste tire pyrolysis plant to India. And between the year of 2010 to 2014, more than 70% of our waste tire pyrolysis plant orders are from Indian customers. Many of our Indian customers are our good friends who return orders and help introduce new customer to us, and we often talk the market situation of tire pyrolysis in India.

tire pyrolysis plant project.jpgWaste tire pyrolysis plant projects in India

In recent years, because of the large demand and environmental protection requirements, the Indian government start to encourage upgrading the batch type to continuous tire pyrolysis plant. Many customers came to enquiry about the price of DOING continuous tire pyrolysis plant.

DOING continuous tire pyrolysis plant is the newest designing of Henan Doing Company, which can produce continuously for 24 hours. The processing capacity varies from 15tpd to 50tpd. The continuous tire pyrolysis plant has continuous feeding and slagging system,thus no need to stop the machine and wait it to be cooled down for discharging carbon black. If you adopt our continuous tire pyrolysis plant, it will not only bring high efficiency to the waste tire recycling to fuel oil production, but reduce the labor cost.

Are you considering setting up a tire pyrolysis plant in India? If you have the plan, welcome to contact us. Our sales and engineers will give you the best suggestions.

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